Los nternational shipments include shipping to your address, se realizan mediante DHL
- COSTO DE 1 PRENDA MAS ENVIO = 55 dólares
- El precio es por unidadif you request a shipment of 2 or more, consult the following number +51 942 712 411
* Reference prices, subject to market variations and fluctuations.
* Consultar País, ya que algunos países tienen consideraciones especiales
* En algunos paises se cobra impuestos, eso lo asume el cliente.

Purchase process ::
- You must select the desired product and complete the options; “sizes”, “answer”, “quantity” . If you require help, you must select "personalized advice"
- Then you add your purchase to the cart, don't worry! continue your purchase in the local currency, when registering your order we will contact you, there we will be able to indicate the payment process according to your country (41, 42 dollars or 40 euros). Remember that these prices are unitary, in case you choose a quantity greater than 1. You must contact the number +51 961 731 079
- When you click to finalize the purchase, you must fill in the billing details. Please complete all the boxes, it guarantees a better shipping process.
- Finally you must click on place the order, after that your order number will be generated. With that information, you must contact us and READY! It's very simple.